I believe supporting people to reclaim their power, no matter the circumstances, and to live from overflow instead of depletion, is a tremendously healing, timely, and necessary medicine at this moment in the human story.

I’m a recovering product of “Grind Culture” programming. I was conditioned to have an amazing work ethic and be incredibly productive. I was always the busiest person in my circle, putting everyone and everything else but myself first. I habitually did and gave too much but never felt it was enough. I burned out again and again… Looking around, it’s clear that this is an unspoken epidemic in our capitalist culture.

While my efforts were often heroic, noble, creative, and for a good cause, at their core was a feeling I had to prove my value but that I was never measuring up. I suffered the acute impacts of this pattern for years, ranging from chronic irritability to depletion to cyclical depression. In one instance, I became so severely burned out that I damaged my adrenal glands, my self-confidence and mental clarity tanked, and I lost my capacity to speak without stuttering. It became difficult to work, and it took a full year to recover.

Eventually, this pattern went so far that I contracted a life-threatening recurring infection and nearly died twice. If I hadn’t gotten the message before, Life was sending me one I could no longer deny. Thus began my healing journey of learning to recognize and unravel this deeply rooted patterning within.  

It’s been humbling to wake up to how intricately and insidiously this pattern is woven through my life, my relationships, my body, my thoughts and beliefs. There are many subtler and subtler layers to unravel, each one holding precious gifts that build my capacity to live into greater and greater freedom from the patterning that so long controlled me. It’s beyond rewarding to see and feel the ripple effects of my commitment and practice.

This powerful learning journey has taught me to trust my intuition, refine my ability to read the compasses and levers of my inner GPS, and to deeply honor and trust the infinite intelligence and healing capacity of my body. It has awakened me to a more authentic expression of my soul's essence and service in the world.

It has been my honor to support people to readily access the current of well-being for over 20 years as a trauma-informed embodied mindfulness and movement educator, massage therapist, Somatic healing facilitator, muse, and life coach.

At the foundation of my work is Somatic Learning, which supports transformative change, healing, and renewal through embodied awareness, movement education, and somatic and psychological disciplines. Also foundational are Inner child and shadow work, and the healing and regenerative Divine Feminine qualities of magnetism, intuition, creativity, and flow. 

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I bow in deep gratitude to all of my teachers and their lineages, including Risa Kaparo, Kathy Altman & Lori Saltzman, Kaia Ra and The Sophia Code, Kimberly Johnson, Jody England, Jean Houston, Daniel Raphael & Rapid Awakening, Matt Kahn, Padrinho Jonathan Goldman, as well as many unseen guides, angels, and Divine Feminine Ascended Masters that support my life.

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As we learn to surf the currents of well-being,
may our healing and transformation serve the highest good, peace, happiness
and well-being of all beings.