You may currently be experiencing an injury, a physical issue, or chronic tension that is causing you pain, limiting your mobility, or hindering favorite daily activities. You feel frustrated that you might just have to live with this, and you certainly don’t want this to cascade into more symptoms and limitation. You’ve heard people say, “it’s all downhill after 40,” but you refuse to buy it. Yet you can see this could only get worse as you age if you don’t make some kind of shift in how you relate with your body. You want to be able to enjoy all the activities you love, like gardening, hiking, dancing, or biking, for all the years to come.

You’ve likely tried different things to get a handle on this— maybe massage, acupuncture, or physical therapy, or oral or topical pain relievers. Or perhaps you’ve just been hoping that the issue would resolve itself. While you may have gotten some relief, you’re still struggling, and you’re getting increasingly frustrated.

One reason you may not have gotten the kind of relief you’ve been looking for is if your nervous system is stuck in fight, flight, or freeze. Even without your awareness, this can hold chronic tension in place and interfere with your body’s innate healing process.

I facilitate a holistic, compassionate, and creative approach to navigating chronic pain, tension, injury, and the healing journey. Working with nervous system regulation, body-mind awareness, and movement education, I help you reduce pain and transform patterns contributing to chronic conditions and decline. I assist you in integrating ways of being present in the body that naturally optimize functioning, healing, and well-being so you can enjoy your activities and interests for years to come.

Some of what you may experience:

  • Relief from chronic tension, stress, and pain

  • Increased sense of coherency, wholeness, and flow through blocked or stuck places

  • A greater sense of alignment with your true nature

  • A grounded connection with the earth so you feel more naturally supported, peaceful, and energized

  • Active attunement with states of peace, coherence, and openness which “grows their real estate” in your nervous system and life

  • Getting underneath what’s eating you so you can receive your own intuitive guidance, clarity, and solutions effortlessly

Sessions are 60 minutes. Tools that may be  incorporated include intuitive hands-on bodywork, embodied awareness practices, movement facilitation, and somatic inquiry. Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes.

Sliding scale $90-$110 in alignment with your heart. Payment gratefully accepted via Venmo, Paypal, or cash.

530 Searls Ave., Ste B
Nevada City, CA 95959

(Next door to The Sunroom and Bee Well Chiropractic)

Virtual sessions: Available via Zoom or telephone.

Text or call 415-845-3568
or click below.